If you and your spouse are married civilly, and wish to bring your marriage into the Church so that you may participate fully in the Church and receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist, please complete this inquiry form to begin the process.
If residence of the couple requesting convalidation is outside of Denton County, please contact Deacon Jack Gardner at deaconjack@saintmartindp.org prior to completing the above form. Marriage preparation and marriage validation preparation are very closely tied to the Diocese where you live, not the Diocese where you are registered.
Yes. There is nothing preventing a divorced Catholic who has not remarried and is not living in a sexual relationship with anyone from receiving the sacraments of Eucharist (Communion), Penance (Confession), or Anointing of the Sick (Last Rites). You may also serve as a godparent for Baptism and a sponsor for Confirmation.
The penalty of automatic excommunication was removed by Pope Paul VI in November 1977. However, a divorced and remarried Catholic who has not received a declaration of nullity from the Church regarding a previous marriage or marriages, or who has remarried outside the Church, may not receive the sacraments. A person in this situation is urged to begin the process to request a declaration of nullity as soon as possible to see if this situation can be remedied.